Anna Karos modeling protective gown

Protecting healthcare workers


Image of virus with Updates on COVID-19 text

The College of Science and Engineering has launched a new set of web pages that provides resources for our various communities including students, faculty, staff and alumni. The pages include resources for remote teaching and learning, research updates, technology help, and who to contact if you have questions.

Visit the Resources for the CSE community during COVID-19 webpage.

For University of Minnesota operational updates, visit the Safe Campus website.



What will I study?
Windows 10正式版上手体验:一款接地气的系统_科技_福建 ...:2021-8-2 · 家庭中文版 在开始体验之前,我伊还是有必要在唠叨一下用户最关心的几个问题: 1、不建议盗版用户升级,因为升级的也只是盗版。2、Win 7和Win 8.1用户可伍免费升级。3、不用担心配置问题,只要你的电脑能跑Win 7,那么就可伍流畅的运行Windows 10。
Why is this place so great?
章莹颖的遭遇,真的与“暗网”有关?_新闻频道_中国青年网:2021-7-24 · 这里就是人性的释放空间,如果你到了那里,看到了那一切的光怪陆离,然后要做的不是沉浸在其中无法自拔,而是摇摇头,回到真实的世界中 ...
There are 75+ student groups in CSE and nearly 1,000 at the University.
How do I pay for it?
《最高警戒之共和国之辉》绿色度测评报告_游戏频道_中国 ...:2021-9-3 · 绿色游戏测评报告:《最高警戒之共和国之辉》绿色度18+,2D战争策略类手机网络游戏。游戏不存在防沉迷系统;游戏存在几率性质的游戏设置 ...
94% of CSE grads are working or in grad school within six months of graduation.


Aug. 04 Tue 8:30am

IPRIME Virtual Program Reviews and Poster Session

音乐剧《乱世佳人》筹划升级版 剧迷视频会支招-中工娱乐 ...:2021-4-7 · 中工娱乐,中工网旗下专业娱乐新闻资讯频道,国内主流娱乐媒体,立足全球娱乐视角,品读娱乐圈风云激荡,近期最热门的 ...

For IPRIME Members

Aug. 04 Tue 7:30pm

All My Favorite Science Teachers Are Undead: Science lessons from zombies, vampires, and immortals

Free Public Webinar

Registration Required • Free • *Content Warning

Aug. 05 Wed 8:00pm

Universe @ Home: The Extremes of Space

YouTube Live

Registration Required • Free • All Ages